165+ Indoor Play Ideas for Kids
You can never have too many indoor play ideas. Whether a school closure, holiday, teacher in-service, or snow day, unexpected days at home with kids can catch you unprepared. This is the list of play inspiration you need to make the day fun for kids and easy for you. Here it is, the Ultimate List of Screen-Free Indoor Play!
- Do a puzzle
- Make silly faces
- Jump rope
- Flick rubber bands across the room
- Dance
- Make a blanket fort
- Make something with cardboard boxes
- Bounce a bouncy ball
- Build with blocks
- Play Go Fish
- Pet the cat or dog
- Look at your clothes labels to see where they were made
- Draw
- Invent a superhero
- Coloring
- Paint something beautiful
- Paint something ugly
- Decorate a cake
- Ask your family about their heritage
- Make foil jewelry
- Blow a feather into the air and keep it up
- Interview your family about anything
- Look up the inventor of a household object
- Make up a dance
- Listen to audio books
- Play Twister
- Do paper crafts
- Read
- Make a new world with toys
- Point to a country on a world map and find music or a book from there
- Learn sign language
- Do yoga
- Make finger puppets
- Do the hoola hoop
- Play restaurant
- Write a poem
- Make birthday cards
- Pick a random place on a map and learn about it
- Build with blocks
- Make a snow globe
- Learn a new dance from around the world
- Build with Legos
- Make shadow figures with your hands
- Make a bean mosaic
- Hop like a frog
- Smell the spices in your cabinet and describe them
- Color in a coloring book
- Play Uno
- Make your own puzzle from cardboard
- Have a crazy hair contest
- Plant some seeds in pots
- Make a mummy from toilet paper
- Learn some magic tricks
- Make a Slinky go down the stairs
- Do a fashion show
- Play balloon volleybal
- Play hospital
- Pick a country you’ve never heard of and cook something from there
- Have an indoor picnic
- Invent a secret language
- Make a tin can phone
- Build a plane or train with chairs
- Bang on pots and pans
- Make a scrapbook
- Do a word search
- Take a bubble bath
- Make a fairy house
- Take apart a broken appliance
- Make a macaroni necklace
- Do a maze
- Play dress up
- Write a letter
- Observe bugs
- Do a Dot to Dot
- Sew something
- Scavenger hunt
- Invent a toy
- Zumba
- Draw a self portrait
- Invent a game
- Write a letter
- Make crepes
- Do a Dot to Dot
- Sew something
Looking for Toys for Endless Creative Play?
The World Happy Map: A map you can play with!
World Village Playset Ireland: Pretend you’re in Ireland!
World Village Playset China: Immersive, storytelling play time
- Arrange your toys from smallest to biggest
- Draw your ideal world
- Paint
- Play 21 Questions
- Make something with clay
- Sing
- Play an instrument
- Skip
- Have a tea party
- Do cartwheels
- Make something with pipecleaners
- Pop bubble wrap
- Call your grandparents, cousins, etc.
- Spin a top
- Try to find out what things are made of
- Make sock puppets
- Paint rocks
- Make an obstacle course
- Plot an imaginary trip on a world map or globe
- Build a time capsule
- Make a kaleidoscope
- Draw your mood
- Play Twister
- Blow bubbles in water with a straw
- Do paper mache
- Start a stamp collection
- Have a staring contest
- Listen to music
- Play school
- Make paper planes
- Bake cookies
- Make a super hero cape
- Play Hide and Seek
- Learn a new language
- Put on a play
- Make paper bag puppets
- Learn hieroglyphics
- Map all the places you want to visit
- Play vets office
- Write and illustrate a story book
- Have a parade
- Celebrate a world holiday
- Make a wallet out of duct tape
- Perform a concert
- Have an indoor campout
- Make shadow animals
- Build a road for toy cars with tape
- Walk like a crab
- Have a puppet show
- Build something with boxes
- Walk like a bear
- Play Simon Says
- Do thumb wrestling
- Write a song
- Have a pillow fight
- Paint rocks
- Make a wallet out of duct tape
- Perform a concert
- Have an indoor campout
- Make shadow animals
- Build a road for toy cars with tape
- Walk like a crab
- Have a puppet show
- Build something with boxes
- Walk like a bear
- Play Simon Says
- Do thumb wrestling
- Write a song
- Have a pillow fight
- Paint rocks
- Make a scrap book
- Look at old family photos
- Make a domino chain reaction
- Draw family portraits
- Cook a family recipe
- Cook a new cuisine
- Write a letter
- Do a face mask
- Do finger paint
- Do sit ups
- Play post office
- Do push ups
- Doodle
- Write a story
- Do a scavenger hunt
- Invent a toy
- Zumba
- Draw a self portrait
- Invent a game
- Play charades
- Watch an international movie
- Wash the dog
- Observe bugs
- Make egg drop soup
- Have a fashion show
- Hopscotch w/tape lines
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We hope you found a few easy indoor play ideas here. Be sure to follow us on social media to hear the latest play ideas we have for you.